Torsten Keßler

Project title: ReHeaT: Rarefied Heat Transfer in Semiconductor Photolithography

Host Institution: Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

Host Supervisor: Prof. Harald van Brummelen

Co-host Institution: École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Co-host Supervisor: Prof. Jan Hesthaven

Summary project: Machines for the production of modern computer chips use the most advanced technology developed by humankind so far. Their development and construction pushes our knowledge to new limits. New generation machines only work in near vacuum as frequent collisions with air particles would spoil the whole production cycle. A complete understanding of the machines however requires the precise knowledge on the influence of the rare collisions of the air particles like they happen at very low pressure.

The aim of my project is to develop efficient numerical methods for rarefied gas flows with an emphasis on applications in the semiconductor industry.


Torsten Keßler

Check out this video on Torstens research​