Alessandra Cappati
Project title: Higgs boson strength and tensor structure intersecting EFT and AI
Host Institution: École Polytechnique (l’X)
Host Supervisor: Dr Roberto Salerno
Co-host Institution: École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Co-host Supervisor: Dr Jan Steggemann
Summary project: The discovery of the Higgs boson (H) marked an historical milestone since its observation completes the theoretical description of the standard model(SM) of particle physics, making it a theory a priori valid up to the Planck scale. However, it raises further questions related to the H sector suggesting that the SM is only a part of a more inclusive physics model. The existence of such physics beyond the standard model (BSM) is a big conundrum and His the key to study it. The goal of HORSEA project is to provide a precise measurement of H strength and tensor structure in order to improve our knowledge on this particle and to search for hints of BSM signals. This goal will be achieved exploiting both the versatility and efficacy of the Effective Field Theory (EFT) formalism and the potentiality of recent advancements and developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI). The EFT formalism in fact is optimal for search for BSM physics effects and AI techniques will improve substantially the results with respect to the present status of the research in the field. HORSEA project is fundamental to perform a step forward in the exploration of the H sector and BSM physics, largely increasing our knowledge on fundamental interactions. It will define new analysis strategies that will open new possibilities for future explorations of this kind. Furthermore, the application of AI to physics measurements will improve our knowledge on AI techniques taking advantage of benchmarks absent in pure AI situations.